Mentor profile & work in the MM project 2016 - 2018
ESTONIA: Information about mentors
Experience & professional background
- Good solid English speaking and understanding
- Very good native speaking /writing
- Appropriate educations to be useful in training adult, entrepreneurs and people in Tourism
- Training and teaching experience in VET or Adult areas
- Being able to structure work and lead an independent complexed work & good experience in project management
- Good knowledges of Tourism and how this field works & operate
- Strong ethic & and positive thinking
- Visually thinking
- Good solid IT knowledge’s
Personal background
- Personally, interested in the MM project and seeing the professional possibilities for future work & projects
- Well motivated and flexible willing to learn new stuff
- Positive and enjoying live
- Willing to invest time in new type of training and working with Turbos & other EU partners
- Over 35 of ages
- Experience in EU work and cooperation
What are the Mentor going to do during the project?
- Will attend a professional training seminar for Mentors in Tenerife dates 6th - 10Th of Mars - travel & accommodations & seminar payed from the project.
- Will be involved in finding and recruiting Turbos for the project in their home countries.
- Will prepare & teach a 5 days seminar with Turbos in their home countries - Date to be discussed for the 2017
- Will be responsible for the follow up training with the Turbos, making BoB. This is a investment for about 40 hours after the Turbo training - at least 4 meetings with the Turbos over 12 month. Making BoB useful, flexible, visual on line and sustainable.
- Will participate in the Stake Holders meeting / ME meetings / Dissemations in each countries
- Will be responsible for evaluations/ questioning from the A& R team